CGPA To Percentage Calculator

Here You can convert your CGPA to Percentage with just one click and also it is one of the best cgpa calculator tool in online.

CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Cgpa gives a clear view of a student studied performance in College or institution. It will shows a student how they studied.

Here you can convert a CGPA to Percentage just in one click. First you need to enter your cpgpa it will convert automatically to percentage.

How to use our tool?

  • First you need to know your cgpa. It will get from your college student portal or marksheet of your degree.
  • Then you can come into our website and put you cpgp credit in cgpa section and select a grade scale based upon your need.
  • Mostly common grade scale is 10 but in some place have 4 or 5 grading scale.
  • Click on calculate button, it will show your percentage and also visually represented in pie chart.

Key features of our tool

Our tool is more advanced and efficient. You can easily convert CGPA into percentage, GPA into percentage, etc.; we have a lot of tools. So if you are a student, our website is more helpful to you.

  • More Fastly
  • Explain with pie charts
  • More grade scales
  • Easily accessible

CGPA is a grading point system; it shows the students overall academy performance, calculated by obtaining marks in subjects over a semester. This system is used in all education institutes for standardizing student performance.

Converting CGPA to percentage is more important because you go to higher studies or any other jobs that ask for academic percentage format. so you need to convert it.

Different universities use a different form of calculating the CGPA. For example, some universities use the 9.5 simple multiplication factor, and others use different ones also. So you need to know the university CGPA conversion formula.

But you don’t worry, using our CGPA to percentage tool, you can easily calculate the percentage; just enter your CGPA, and it will automatically convert into a percentage.

What is CGPA?

What is CGPA and why is it important to convert CGPA to percentage

CGP stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. It is a grading system. It is used to calculate the overall academic performance of students.

CGPA has grading scales such as 4.0, 5.0, and 10, but most educational institutes use a 10 grading scale.

Importance of CGPA

Why we Convert CGPA to Percentage

CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is a credit method of calculating the average marks obtained by a student in all subjects and expressing it as a single number. Generally, CGPA is calculated on a 10-point scale.

Main Reasons to Convert CGPA to Percentage:

Cgpa to percentage convert importance

Grade Comparison: A percentage is widely used to compare the grades of students. CGPA is also helpful to compare, but percentage is more easy and understandable. So converting CGPA to percentage, students can easily compare their grades with those of other students and institutions.

Placement and Postgraduate: If you want to go to the to the highest studies or any other placement, it has an interest exam based upon a percentage, so you need to convert your CGPA into a percentage, then only you can apply for these exams.

Quantitative Understanding: Most people don’t know about CGPA; they easily know about percentage. So converting CGPA into percentage, students and parents can easily understand about their grades.

Requirements of Educational Institutions: Some educational institute asked for your overall percentage. So if you go higher studies for a postgraduate, here the percentage is more important.

How to Convert CGPA to Percentage

CGPA To Percentage Calculator

It is very easy to convert a CGPA into percentage using the CGPA converter tool provided on our website. Just one click, you can convert your CGPA to percentage. You can use another method also, using a formula, and that method is explained below clearly.

The standard formula is used for converting CGPA into percentage, but it varies based upon some university rules. Thus, various universities have their own methods or formulas for converting CGPA into percentage.

Some most commonly used university methods are:

Direct Percentage:

You directly multiply your CGPA by under and divide by 10.

For example, if your CGPA is 9.5, you can easily change to percentage by using this formula: (9.5 * 100) / 10 = 95%.

Quality Definition:

Using a grade definition method to convert into percentage.

For example, if your CGPA is between 9.0 and 10.0 in percentage is 90-100%, a CGPA 8.0 and 8.9 = 80-89%, etc. can be used.

Some Indian and foreign universities are using their own conversion method. It can be based upon their condition and criteria.

Examples of individual systems of universities:

The own grading method is used in Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and National Institutes of Technology (NITs) to convert CGPA into percentage.

Foreign universities: Some foreign universities have their own percentage-converting method.

Note: You want to find your percentage. First, you need to check if your university’s own rules are common rules. So go to your university office and ask the percentage conversion method. 

And then you can easily convert your CGPA into percentages using our converter tool.

CGPA to Percentage Conversion Table

CGPA is in 3 types of grade. Below table we convert a cgpa to Percentage in all grades. So check it.

CGPA To Percentage in 10 Grade Points

Percentage of 10.0 CGPA95%-100%
Percentage 9.9 of CGPA94.05%
Percentage of 9.8 CGPA93.10%
Percentage of 9.7 CGPA92.15%
Percentage of 9.6 CGPA91.20%
Percentage of 9.5 CGPA90.25%
Percentage of 9.4 CGPA89.30%
Percentage of 9.3 CGPA88.35%
Percentage of 9.2 CGPA87.40%
Percentage of 9.1 CGPA86.45%
Percentage of 9.0 CGPA85.50%
Percentage of 8.9 CGPA84.55%
Percentage of 8.8 CGPA83.60%
Percentage 8.7 of CGPA82.65%
Percentage of 8.6 CGPA81.70%
Percentage of 8.5 CGPA80.75%
Percentage of 8.4 CGPA79.80%
Percentage of 8.3 CGPA78.85%
Percentage of 8.2 CGPA77.90%
Percentage of 8.1 CGPA76.95%
Percentage of 8.0 CGPA76%
Percentage of 7.9 CGPA75.05%
Percentage of 7.8 CGPA74.10%
Percentage of 7.7 CGPA73.15%
Percentage of 7.6 CGPA72.20%
Percentage of 7.5 CGPA71.25%
Percentage of 7.4 CGPA70.30%
Percentage of 7.3 CGPA69.35%
Percentage of 7.2 CGPA68.40%
Percentage of 7.1 CGPA67.45%
Percentage of 7.0 CGPA66.50%
Percentage 6.9 of CGPA65.55%
Percentage of 6.8 CGPA64.60%
Percentage of 6.7 CGPA63.65%
Percentage of 6.6 CGPA62.70%
Percentage of 6.5 CGPA61.75%
Percentage of 6.4 CGPA60.80%
Percentage of 6.3 CGPA59.85%
Percentage of 6.2 CGPA58.90%
Percentage of 6.1 CGPA57.95%
Percentage of 6.0 CGPA57%
Percentage of 5.9 CGPA56.05%
Percentage of 5.8 CGPA55.10%
Percentage of 5.7 CGPA54.15%
Percentage of 5.6 CGPA53.20%
Percentage of 5.5 CGPA52.25%
Percentage of 5.4 CGPA51.30%
Percentage of 5.3 CGPA50.35%
Percentage of 5.2 CGPA49.40%
Percentage of 5.1 CGPA48.45%
Percentage of 5.0 CGPA47.50%
Percentage of 4.9 CGPA46.55%
Percentage of 4.8 CGPA45.60%
Percentage of 4.7 CGPA44.65%
Percentage of 4.6 CGPA43.70%
Percentage of 4.5 CGPA42.75%
Percentage of 4.4 CGPA41.80%
Percentage of 4.3 CGPA40.85%
Percentage of 4.2 CGPA39.90%
Percentage of 4.1 CGPA38.95%
Percentage of 4.0 CGPA38%
Percentage of 3.9 CGPA37.05%
Percentage of 3.8 CGPA36.10%
Percentage of 3.7 CGPA35.15%
Percentage of 3.6 CGPA34.20%
Percentage of 3.5 CGPA33.25%
Percentage of 3.4 CGPA32.30%
Percentage of 3.3 CGPA31.35%
Percentage of 3.2 CGPA30.40%
Percentage of 3.1 CGPA29.45%
Percentage of 3.0 CGPA28.50%

CGPA To Percentage in 5 Grade Points

Percentage of 5.0 CGPA at Grade Points 5100%
Percentage of 4.9 CGPA at Grade Points 598%
Percentage of 4.8 CGPA at Grade Points 596%
Percentage of 4.7 CGPA at Grade Points 594%
Percentage of 4.6 CGPA at Grade Points 592%
Percentage of 4.5 CGPA at Grade Points 590%
Percentage of 4.4 CGPA at Grade Points 588%
Percentage of 4.3 CGPA at Grade Points 586%
Percentage of 4.2 CGPA at Grade Points 584%
Percentage of 4.1 CGPA at Grade Points 582%
Percentage of 4.0 CGPA at Grade Points 580%
Percentage of 3.9 CGPA at Grade Points 578%
Percentage of 3.8 CGPA at Grade Points 576%
Percentage of 3.7 CGPA at Grade Points 574%
Percentage of 3.6 CGPA at Grade Points 572%
Percentage of 3.5 CGPA at Grade Points 570%
Percentage of 3.4 CGPA at Grade Points 568%
Percentage of 3.3 CGPA at Grade Points 566%
Percentage of 3.2 CGPA at Grade Points 564%
Percentage of 3.1 CGPA at Grade Points 562%
Percentage of 3.0 CGPA at Grade Points 560%
Percentage of 2.9 CGPA at Grade Points 558%
Percentage of 2.8 CGPA at Grade Points 556%
Percentage of 2.7 CGPA at Grade Points 554%
Percentage of 2.6 CGPA at Grade Points 552%
Percentage of 2.5 CGPA at Grade Points 550%
Percentage of 2.4 CGPA at Grade Points 548%
Percentage of 2.3 CGPA at Grade Points 546%
Percentage of 2.2 CGPA at Grade Points 544%
Percentage of 2.1 CGPA at Grade Points 542%
Percentage of 2.0 CGPA at Grade Points 540%
Percentage of 1.9 CGPA at Grade Points 538%
Percentage of 1.8 CGPA at Grade Points 536%
Percentage of 1.7 CGPA at Grade Points 534%
Percentage of 1.6 CGPA at Grade Points 532%
Percentage of 1.5 CGPA at Grade Points 530%
Percentage of 1.4 CGPA at Grade Points 528%
Percentage of 1.3 CGPA at Grade Points 526%
Percentage of 1.2 CGPA at Grade Points 524%
Percentage of 1.1 CGPA at Grade Points 522%
Percentage of 1.0 CGPA at Grade Points 520%
Percentage of 0.9 CGPA at Grade Points 518%
Percentage of 0.8 CGPA at Grade Points 516%
Percentage of 0.7 CGPA at Grade Points 514%
Percentage of 0.6 CGPA at Grade Points 512%
Percentage of 0.5 CGPA at Grade Points 510%
Percentage of 0.4 CGPA at Grade Points 58%
Percentage of 0.3 CGPA at Grade Points 56%
Percentage of 0.2 CGPA at Grade Points 54%
Percentage of 0.1 CGPA at Grade Points 52%

CGPA To Percentage in 4 Grade Points

Percentage of 4.0 CGPA at Grade Points 4100%
Percentage of 3.9 CGPA at Grade Points 497.5%
Percentage of 3.8 CGPA at Grade Points 495%
Percentage of 3.7 CGPA at Grade Points 492.5%
Percentage of 3.6 CGPA at Grade Points 490%
Percentage of 3.5 CGPA at Grade Points 487.5%
Percentage of 3.4 CGPA at Grade Points 485%
Percentage of 3.3 CGPA at Grade Points 482.5%
Percentage of 3.2 CGPA at Grade Points 480%
Percentage of 3.1 CGPA at Grade Points 477.5%
Percentage of 3.0 CGPA at Grade Points 475%
Percentage of 2.9 CGPA at Grade Points 472.5%
Percentage of 2.8 CGPA at Grade Points 470%
Percentage of 2.7 CGPA at Grade Points 467.5%
Percentage of 2.6 CGPA at Grade Points 465%
Percentage of 2.5 CGPA at Grade Points 462.5%
Percentage of 2.4 CGPA at Grade Points 460%
Percentage of 2.3 CGPA at Grade Points 457.5%
Percentage of 2.2 CGPA at Grade Points 455%
Percentage of 2.1 CGPA at Grade Points 452.5%
Percentage of 2.0 CGPA at Grade Points 450%
Percentage of 1.9 CGPA at Grade Points 447.5%
Percentage of 1.8 CGPA at Grade Points 445%
Percentage of 1.7 CGPA at Grade Points 442.5%
Percentage of 1.6 CGPA at Grade Points 440%
Percentage of 1.5 CGPA at Grade Points 437.5%
Percentage of 1.4 CGPA at Grade Points 435%
Percentage of 1.3 CGPA at Grade Points 432.5%
Percentage of 1.2 CGPA at Grade Points 430%
Percentage of 1.1 CGPA at Grade Points 427.5%
Percentage of 1.0 CGPA at Grade Points 425%
Percentage of 0.9 CGPA at Grade Points 422.5%
Percentage of 0.8 CGPA at Grade Points 420%
Percentage of 0.7 CGPA at Grade Points 417.5%
Percentage of 0.6 CGPA at Grade Points 415%
Percentage of 0.5 CGPA at Grade Points 412.5%
Percentage of 0.4 CGPA at Grade Points 410%
Percentage of 0.3 CGPA at Grade Points 47.5%
Percentage of 0.2 CGPA at Grade Points 45%
Percentage of 0.1 CGPA at Grade Points 42.5%
Percentage of 0.0 CGPA at Grade Points 40.0%

CGPA to Percentage Calculator Tools

Before using our tool, you can check your academy policy to convert a CGP into a percentage. Then your academy is using the general CGPA conversion method, you can use our tool.

And also, there are many converters available on our internet, so you can check out other tool websites, and also, our website has a lot of academic-related converters such as GPA to percentage, GPA to percentage, 12th mark calculator, 10th mark calculator, etc.

Strategies to improve CGPA

Strategies to improve CGPA

Attend Classes: Regularly go to college and attend the class carefully, take important notes, and ask a doubt to your teacher and clarify it. This will help you perform well in the exam.

Study plan: Make a study schedule and follow it regularly, improve your knowledge with group studies, and try to solve an old previous semester question paper. Don’t memorize; try to understand a concept.

Exam preparation: According to your exam syllabus, make a study plan around it. And solve a model question paper and attend an online test. Time management is very important in exams. So write fast and answer all questions. 

Communicate: Ask your teachers to get the important questions. Try to get some exam advice from your teacher. Analyze yourself and ask for feedback on your strengths and weaknesses in your studies from friends and teachers.

Self-Confidence: Don’t fear exams. And build self-confidence. You know your abilities, so don’t underestimate yourself. Try to learn a lesson from failure and think always positively. This attitude will help you attend your exam confidently.

Physical health: mental health is important, and also physical health is important. So before the exam, eat healthy food and get enough sleep. Exercise regularly, and it will help to manage stress.

Library: Go to the library and collect your study material and know about some subject-related queries. It will help you perform well in the exam.

This strategy will help to improve your CGPA and score a good mark in semester exams.



How to convert cgpa into percentage?

Multiply your CGPA by 9.5, and the final answer is your percentage. For example, if your CGPA is 6.8, you can multiply 6.8 x 9.5; 64.6 is an answer; it is your percentage.

What is a good CGPA?

Generally, above 7.0 is good, but especially considering IT students above 7.5 and engineering students above 8 is good.

Can I improve my CGPA from 7 to 9?

If you’re in the third semester or above, you can be able to improve, but in the 5th semester, it is very difficult to improve your CGPA.

Does CGPA matter in placement?

Yes, CGPA is important for placement. Some companies have an 8 CGPA as an eligibility criterion. So it is important to placement.

What is CGPA full form?

The full form of CGPA is Cumulative Grade Point Average.

Is getting 10 CGPA possible?

Yes, possible, but no one can get full marks in their academic subjects. So it is mostly not possible.

How much CGPA is first class?

Generally, a 6.0 CGPA is considered a first class, but it varies in different universities. VTU University needs above 6.0, and KL University needs above 7.5.

Can I get a job with 6.5 CGPA?

Yes, you can get it. CGPA is not getting a job; your skills only help to get a job. CGPA is just an eligibility criterion for some companies.

What is 7.8 CGPA in percentage?

7.8 CGPA in percentage isÂ